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Adult Services

Adult Services encompass workforce investment programs and initiatives that provide millions of adult workers with workforce preparation and career development services, and help employers find the skilled workers they need. Activities promote and facilitate an integrated public workforce system through which a full array of services is offered. These services are available to workers and employers through the national network of One-Stop Career Centers.

Programs provide high-quality employment and training services that address the needs of individuals in need of training, retraining, and skill upgrades. Additionally, investments in adult services are targeted to move workers into post-secondary educational pipelines and career pathways to prepare more workers to enter into and advance in good jobs in the high growth and emerging occupations of the global economy.

   Wagner-Peyser Funded Employment Services  
At the heart of the One-Stop Career Centers is the ability to provide services to businesses seeking skilled workers, employment assistance to individuals and workforce and economic information services to all customers.

   Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Adult Program  
This program aims to increase the employment, job retention, earnings, and career advancement of U.S. workers.

   WIA Dislocated Worker Program  
The WIA Dislocated Workers Program assists workers who have been laid off or have been notified that they will be terminated or laid off.
   Other Adult programs administered by the Office of Workforce Investment