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Our Latest Releases

Bi Annual Statistical Report - June 2008

This report contains summary results on cpi, trade, education, migration, health, population estimates and electricity consumption, civil service and seaman. The report will be updated on a bi-annual basis as new data become available.

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2004/05 HIES for Tuvalu

The CSD has successfully conducted the Household Income and Expenditure Survey in November 2004 on Funafuti, and May 2005 for the Outer Islands.

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Tuvalu National MDG Report

The report was officially launched by the government in early July 2007.

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Tuvalu Poverty Measure

Tuvalu is one of the developing countries that faces poverty. With the help of consultants from UNDP, ADB and UNSIAP our statistical officer, Mr. Niuatui was able to complete a research on how to measure poverty in Tuvalu.

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