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Office of Education, Global Outreach,
and Small Business Ombudsman (EXGO)

Welcome to the Office of Education, Global Outreach, and Small Business Ombudsman (EXGO). The office was established to coordinate and carry out education and outreach activities to domestic and international stakeholders, including foreign governments, academic institutions, manufacturers, retailers, and resellers. EXGO is a coordinated business unit composed of four main areas: education, international programs, small business, and intergovernmental relations.

Education: Education permeates all aspects of our outreach. We dedicate resources toward the support and education of the business community, foreign, other federal, state and local governments, and others because we believe that improving knowledge of the details of our product safety laws has a direct correlation to increased compliance and increased safety for consumers.

International Programs: International or global outreach is one of the pillars of our success. With almost half of the consumer products under our jurisdiction manufactured abroad, it is critical that the CPSC actively engage with foreign regulators and manufacturers. Development of close relationships facilitates the exchange of information on consumer product safety issues and serves as a mechanism for coordinated actions against unsafe products. Increased educational outreach to foreign manufacturers will improve the safety of imported products.

Small Business: The Small Business Ombudsman is a dedicated resource to provide information and guidance tailored for small businesses of all sizes. The SBO provides information and guidance tailored to that community. Small businesses that have issues or technical questions concerning CPSC's statutes, regulations, regulatory processes, or other issues should seek guidance from the ombudsman. Our goal is to provide answers that are easy to understand. We also hope to identify broader issues of concern to small business and particularly small manufacturers and seek solutions by working with the appropriate Commission staff.

Intergovernmental Relations: CPSC's intergovernmental affairs program is organized to facilitate the creation of safer products through better informed sister agencies (federal, state and local governments), industries, retailers and resellers, and consulting with other external stakeholders to ensure their needs are being satisfied by the agency. The program director actively builds partnerships with other agencies, academic institutions, and non-governmental organizations to develop programs that support CPSC's mission.

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The Office of Education, Global Outreach, and Small Business Ombudsman coordinates and carries out education and outreach activities to domestic and international stakeholders, including foreign governments, manufacturers, academic institutions, retailers, resellers, and small business.

The Small Business Ombudsman position is the dedicated CPSC contact for small business and provides information and guidance tailored to that group.

Stay up to date with the latest information from the CPSC by signing up for one of our business e-mail services.

Follow the office on Twitter  Twitter  @CPSCSmallBiz

Additional contact:  Business@cpsc.gov

Dean W. Woodard

Neal S. Cohen
Small Business Ombudsman

Richard W. O'Brien
International Programs

N. J. Scheers Ph.D
Intergovernmental Relations

CPSC Business 301-504-7999


Businesses should be aware that consumers may file reports of a potential health or safety problem with a consumer product at SaferProducts.gov, a publicly searchable database.

Businesses are urged to register with SaferProducts.gov. Registration ensures that businesses have a secure, digital portal to access information about their products to make informed decisions about product safety. Registration also ensures that businesses have the full amount of time to respond to consumer reports under the law. The CPSC urges you to register now.

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