MOI, ANP hold inaugural “Recruit-Train-Assign” Conference

2010/12/16 • Comments

101214-N-9914P-018smallMC2 Vladimir Potapenko, NTM-A PA

The Afghan Ministry of Interior (MOI) and Afghan National Police (ANP) held the inaugural ANP “Recruit-Train-Assign (RTA)” Training Conference at the Afghan Air Force Base in Kabul, Afghanistan Dec. 14 and 15. The conference was meant to support MOI’s efforts to improve and enhance recruiting, training and the personnel management processes that support the growth and professionalization of the ANP.

Addressing the key issues associated with recruiting, training and personnel management, the conference focused on the roles and processes associated with recruiting, training development, personnel assignments and training planning and execution. Attention was also given to the policies, training and sustainment of the instructor population.

The conference is an opportunity for ANP and MOI leadership to have a an exchange of views with the international community, thus providing Afghanistan with more ideas and perspectives in how to solve any issues the ANP faces, said Maj. Gen. Patang, the education and training commander for the ANP.

“Short term goals are the sharing of information and ideas to facilitate a better understanding of policies, procedures and responsibilities required to support police growth and sustainment,” said U.S. Army Col. Brian Prosser, chief of RTA Cell, Combined Training Advisory Group-Police, NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan.

Prosser added that the long term goals of the conference are to sign and erect policies and procedures to ensure that the ANP force is properly recruited, trained, equipped, organized and led in order to protect and serve the people of Afghanistan.

“The great hope of the Afghan people is security, and we are going to reach that aim by having a strong Afghan National Police,” said Patang.

The “Recruit-Train-Assign” Training Conference is a step in that direction.

PHOTO – Audience members at the inaugural Afghan National Police “Recruit-Train-Assign” Training Conference at the Afghan Air Force Base in Kabul, Afghanistan listen as ANP Maj. Gen. Patang, the education and training commander for the ANP, delivers a speech Dec. 14. (Photo by MC2 Vladimir Potapenko/RELEASED)

Category: Blog - Afghan National Police

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