WASHINGTON – Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Ranking Member Susan Collins, R-Maine, Tuesday reacted to a subcommittee report on fusion centers.

“The subcommittee staff report makes an important contribution to the ongoing effort to improve fusion centers and ensure they realize their full potential,” said Senator Collins.  “While DHS has addressed or is in the process of addressing several of the recommendations, this report highlights the need for DHS to adopt more transparent budgeting and performance metrics for fusion centers and to ensure intelligence analysts receive proper training.   As responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars, DHS must ensure that every federal dollar is being spent in ways that enhance our security.

“As fusion centers continue to improve, I am mindful of the repeated testimony from experts before the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee regarding the unique value of fusion centers and the information sharing among the federal, state, and local law enforcement professionals who serve in them.  State-based fusion centers have established a two-way street of information sharing between federal agencies and state and local law enforcement and first responders, who are likely to be the first to observe and respond to suspicious activity.”

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