Bureaucracy Conquered for Afghan Police Physician Recruitment

2010/05/26 • Comments

     The past few times I met with Brigadier General Qhandahr Shinwari, Afghanistan National Police

(ANP) Surgeon General, at least one physician arrived and asked to join the ANP. At last count, 

there were 40 doctors who were awaiting approval to wear the ANP uniform. Standing in their way

was a requirement by the Ministry of Interior (MOI) Personnel Department for new officers to undergo

six weeks of police training. While acknowledging that training is important General Qhandahr,

believed that the urgency to provide medical services to Afghanistan National Security Forces

(ANSF) and their families should take precedence. His persuasive argument was heard.

     On 25 May 2010, General Qhandahr met with Major General Wasim, MOI Personnel Director.

Together they crafted an agreement where new physicians will undergo a one-week orientation. In

the coming weeks, policy will be developed to formalize the decision.

     Getting medical providers on board more quickly is clearly a victory for all of ANSF. Moreover, the

actions that led to it demonstrated that bureaucracy can be conquered when greater interests are at

stake. Now that a major barrier has been broken, more physicians will no doubt knock on General

Qhandahr’s door.

Category: Blog - Medical

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