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Washington, D.C., Jul 31, 1996 -

Alaska Congressman Don Young today reaffirmed his commitment to keeping Medicare solvent. On this 31st anniversary of the existence of the Medicare program, Young said we would normally be celebrating. Instead, he added, we are looking at a program that will be bankrupt in just five years.

"I am committed to keeping Medicare solvent," Young said. "The Clinton trustee's report that was released last month stated that the program is going bankrupt faster than they had originally expected. We're now looking at bankruptcy in just five years," he added.

"Today, Medicare's 31st birthday, I want to restate my commitment to saving this program from bankruptcy now, so we can celebrate many more birthday's in years to come," Young added.

"Republicans have a solid plan to save Medicare,"continued Congressman Young. Four key components of this plan to save Medicare are:

* Medicare spending increases from $5200 per person to $7000 in just six years --an increase of $1800 per person.

* Fraud, waste and abuse are rooted out.

* Seniors have the right to choose Medicare options.

* Medicare is saved from bankruptcy.

"It is important to understand that the Republican plan increases Medicare spending for every senior citizen by $1800 per person over the next six years. Do not let false ads designed for the sole purpose of scaring senior citizens about the Republican plan to save Medicare fool you," Young said. "It is simple...under our plan, Medicare spending will increase," he added.

"At the same time, the Republican plan saves money by rooting out costly waste, fraud, and abuse, which is a symptom of a bureaucratic program from Washington that needs reforming," Young said.

"Instead of a one-size-fits all government program, the Republican plan offers seniors more choices...what is wrong with offering seniors more choices," Young added.

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