Press Releases

Concurrent Receipt of Military Retirement Pay and VA Disability Compensation

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Washington, D.C., Dec 27, 2004 -

Since our election as the majority party in the House of Representatives, Republican legislators have been working on improving military retiree benefits.  Dual compensation, TRICARE For Life, REDUX reform, and various special compensation measures have been passed - all greatly contributing to the support our nation gives to those who served.

Concurrent receipt is the latest program legislators have focused on to show the country’s appreciation to its career military men and women.  Beginning in 1999 and continuing every year since, language has been added to the Defense Authorization Act that provides for additional payments for disabled retirees.  These payments were the initial attempts at establishing full concurrent receipt.  Although a worthy program, it is also an expensive one.  It took time to work out funding profiles and budgetary authority.   Some have attempted to make political points off the time consuming process of developing this complicated program, but I believe the fact the GOP has done what Democrats never did - in 40 years of control - shows the truth. 

A plan developed and agreed to this year by the House and Senate will allow immediate full concurrent receipt for those retirees whose disability was combat related, (including those disabilities resulting from the use of military equipment or weapons), or whose disability is rated 100%; and phase in over 10 years full concurrent receipt for other retirees with at least a 50% disability.  Reserve and National Guard retirees would be eligible.  Possible extension of future benefits to less disabled retirees will be studied by a commission, which will be made up of distinguished veterans. 

I am very pleased that the Congress has addressed this situation.  I have been a long-standing supporter of concurrent receipt, and I will continue to work on the situation.

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