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H H S Department of Health and Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration
Maternal and Child Health

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Picture of infant foot - Infant Mortality Summit 2012

The 2012 Region IV & Region VI Infant Mortality Summit, held on January 12th and 13th in New Orleans, Louisiana was the launching point for a collaborative and multi-State initiative that aims to improve infant health outcomes and reduce infant mortality and prematurity across the Nation, particularly among disparate populations. 

Video and Audio

View the Opening Plenary Session
Listen to the Opening Plenary Session (MP3 - 202MB)

View the Federal/National Initiatives on Infant Mortality Summit Session

Breakout Sessions
View Breakout I: Community-Based Prematurity Prevention -- The Kentucky Experience 

Listen to Breakout I: Community-Based Prematurity Prevention -- The Kentucky Experience (MP3 - 179MB)

View Breakout II: Working Together to Improve Birth Outcomes in North Carolina 
Listen to: Breakout II: Working Together to Improve Birth Outcomes in North Carolina (MP3 - 169MB)

View Breakout III: Babies Born Healthy Initiative

Listen to Breakout III: Babies Born Healthy Initiative (MP3 - 158MB)

View the Closing Plenary Session
Listen to the Closing Plenary Session (MP3 - 114MB)

(Presentations require Adobe Flash Player and Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Summit Goals and Objectives

Goal: To improve birth outcomes and reduce infant mortality and prematurity in the United States.

Objective 1: Increase understanding of strategies to improve birth outcomes and infant mortality among Federal, State, and non-profit partners.

Objective 2: Create synergy among State Health Officials, Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Directors, and State partners to improve birth outcomes and reduce infant mortality through health and community systems development.

Objective 3: Identify clear strategies, outcomes and their impact on reducing infant mortality in the State with special consideration of high risk individuals, families, and communities.

Objective 4: Investigate the potential of one common strategy for States in the regions to reduce infant mortality and preterm birth.

Objective 5: Create a unified message that builds on the best practices from around the nation and the efforts from States in Regions IV and VI, which can be adopted by other States and Jurisdictions.