Pitts Pushes for Repeal of Health Law

Jul 10, 2012 Issues: Health Care

Congressman Joe Pitts (PA-16) advocated for full repeal of 2009’s Affordable Care Act yesterday evening in the House Rules Committee and this afternoon on the floor of the House of Representatives. The House will vote tomorrow on H.R. 6079, the Repeal of Obamacare Act.

The House Rules Committee structures debate on legislation that moves on the House floor. At the hearing yesterday evening, Congressman Pitts stated that the law is failing in its promise to control rising health costs:

“Americans want reform that delivers lower health care costs.  President Obama told the country that his reforms would lower family premiums by $2,500 by the end of his first term.  Yet in 2011, the annual premium for an employer-sponsored family plan soared past $15,000 -- a sharp nine percent increase from 2010.  Premiums will only skyrocket as the rest of the law is implemented according to estimates from the Congressional Budget Office.”

On the House floor this afternoon, Congressman Pitts led Republicans in debate on the repeal bill. In his floor remarks, the Congressman noted that the law will seriously impact the state budget:

“While Medicaid consumes 30 percent of the state budget now, if the law is fully implemented it will consume over 60 percent. Pennsylvania won’t be a state government; it will be a health plan that paves roads and funds schools on the side.”

To view Congressman Pitts’ complete floor remarks, CLICK HERE.