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Table 12-C
Federal Budget Authority for Transportation General Support by Agency and Program: FY 1985-2001

(Current $ millions)

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Agency and Program 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 est.
Total General Support Budget Authority 177 169 171 154 179 192 295 331 369 399 380 363 391 254 276 296 293
Office of the Secretary                                  
Total 56 57 54 45 67 72 172 191 207 228 220 208 197 72 87 65 75
Salaries and Expenses 51 49 51 36 55 55 58 64 62 58 62 54 52 61 67 58 63
Rental payments (including Trust Fund) 108 112 130 148 137 136 131
Rental payments 64 66 81 107 95 92 90
Trust Fund share of rental payments 44 46 49 41 42 44 41
Transportation planning R&D 6 3 3 5 6 7 3 3 3 9 8 8 3 4 9 5 11
Commercial Space Transportation 3 4 4 5 6
Minority Business Program 7 8 8 7 10 11 7 10 2 1
Minority Business Direct Loan 7 8 8 5 5 6 2 5 -3 -4
Minority Business Outreach 3 3 3 3 3 3
Minority business resource center program account 1 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Gifts and Bequest 0 4 0 0
Commission on Aviation Security 1
Working Capital Fund 2 3 4
Transportation Administrative Service Center 2 3 4 1
Office of the Inspector General                                  
Total 28 26 27 28 29 32 32 37 38 39 40 39 38 42 44 44 49
Salaries and Expenses 28 26 27 28 29 32 32 37 38 39 40 39 38 42 44 44 49
Bureau of Transportation Statistics Total 5 10 15 15 20 25 31 31 31 31
Research and Special Programs Administration                                  
Total 20 18 20 13 15 17 16 22 35 35 35 34 40 41 43 63 57
Research and Special Programs 20 18 20 13 15 17 16 22 24 24 26 24 30 30 31 33 36
Emergency Preparedness Fund 11 8 7 7 7 8 8 25 14
Trust Fund Share of Pipeline Safety 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 7
Interstate Commerce Commission                                  
Total 51 46 47 44 43 44 44 41 44 45 33 6
Salaries and Expenses 51 46 47 44 43 44 44 41 44 45 33 6
Surface Transportation Board                                  
Total 16 12 14 15 16 18
Salaries and expenses 16 12 14 15 16 18
National Transportation Safety Board                                  
Total 22 21 22 24 25 27 31 35 36 37 37 40 79 54 56 77 63
Salaries and Expenses 22 21 22 24 25 27 31 35 36 37 37 39 78 53 55 77 63
Emergency Fund 1 1 1 1

"–" = No activity or a value of zero.

Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.
Data for FY 2001 are estimates.
Numbers in parenthesis are negative values due to offsetting collections. Offsetting collections are collections from the public that result from business-type activities and collections from other government accounts, which are deducted from gross outlays and budget authority, rather than combined with government receipts.

Executive Office of the President of the United States, Office of Management and Budget, Budget of the United States Government FY 2002 - Public Budget Database (Washington, D.C.), available at, as of October 2001.

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