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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Office of the CEO


CEO Update on Corporation IT Services


I want to update you on the status of the Corporation’s primary technology contract. A couple of weeks ago, as I reported to you then, a contractor filed for bankruptcy and laid off many staff assigned to the Corporation.

I am pleased to share with you that no major systems have been adversely affected; moreover, we have secured an interim contractor and are working to bring the eGrants and eSPAN Help Desk up to full capacity. As a result, we do not anticipate changing timelines for two priority items:

  • October Progress Reports and Financial Status Reports for Senior Corps and VISTA that are due October 31
  • October 25 launch of the new progress reporting system for AmeriCorps State and National in anticipation of the December 3 deadline

We will continue to monitor activity on the Help Desk and shift staffing as necessary to accommodate any spike in calls that result from these deadlines. There is one change of note: in order to ensure a smooth rollout of Phase II of the My AmeriCorps portal, we have pushed the launch from November to December.

I’ll continue to keep you updated until our IT systems are fully back on track. Every day we’ve been wrestling with this issue, I’ve been struck by our staff’s ingenuity and patience. Thank you.

In service,

David Eisner
CEO, Corporation for National and Community Service


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