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Tuesday, October 14, 2003

CONTACT: Sandy Scott
Phone: 202-606-6724


South Dakota Groups Receive $256,000 in AmeriCorps Grants


Washington D.C. — The Corporation for National and Community Service, the parent organization of AmeriCorps, has awarded two grants worth a total of $256,000 to two AmeriCorps projects in South Dakota. The grants will support a total of 29 AmeriCorps members in the state.

South Dakota Habitat for Humanity, which builds affordable housing for low-income Dakotans, will receive $44,800 to bring on nine AmeriCorps members, while the Teca Oyate Waonpsekiya (Teaching the Young People) program will receive $211,200 to support 20 members to improve reading and other academic skills among children at the Red Cloud Indian School. Grants cover the costs of operating the programs, including living expenses for the AmeriCorps members.

"We are very pleased to be able to continue to support these fine organizations," said Rosie Mauk, Director of AmeriCorps. "Both these groups have shown strong results in the past, and we are confident that they will build on that success in the future."

Habitat for Humanity, South Dakota uses AmeriCorps members to strengthen the organizational infrastructure of five of the state's 14 affiliates. Members train, coordinate, and lead volunteers, and they also work to actively engage homeowner families in their communities. Last year, eight new Habitat homes were completed in the state.

Red Cloud Indian School, a private non-profit Lakota Catholic and Jesuit school district located on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in southwestern South Dakota, serves nearly 600 Lakota students. AmeriCorps members work to increase educational achievement and help students graduate, as well as promote civic engagement and volunteerism through Cante Waste Okolakiciye (Good Heart Society), a student service group.

AmeriCorps members serve full time or part time with thousands of national and local organizations. Upon completing their term of service, full-time members receive an education award of $4,725 to pay for college or graduate school, or to pay back qualified student loans. Members who serve part-time receive a partial education award.

AmeriCorps is administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service, which provides opportunities for Americans of all ages and backgrounds to serve their communities and country through three programs: Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America. Working with national and community nonprofit organizations, faith-based groups, schools, and local agencies, the Corporation engages Americans in meeting critical needs in education, the environment, public safety, homeland security, and other areas. The Corporation and its programs are part of USA Freedom Corps, a White House initiative to foster a culture of citizenship, service, and responsibility, and to help all Americans answer the President's Call to Service. For more information, visit

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