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Friday, June 25, 2004

CONTACT: Sandy Scott
Phone: 202-606-6724


President's National Service Chief to Join 300 Hispanic Youth in Phoenix Community Service Project


Phoenix, AZ — More than 300 Hispanic youth will join 100 AmeriCorps members and the CEO of AmeriCorps parent agency in a large scale community service project today in conjunction with the National Council of La Raza's (NCLR) annual meeting taking place in Phoenix.

David Eisner, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, will join the young volunteers as they participate in cleanup, beautification, and art projects at four organizations which provide critical services to the Latino community in the Phoenix area — Friendly House, Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc., Valle de Sol; and St. Vincent de Paul Society.

This is the first time the National Conference of La Raza has organized a youth community service project to accompany its annual meeting. Supplying the bulk of the volunteer force will be 300 youth participants in the Lideres Summit, a program of the NCLR's Center for Emerging Latino Leadership. More than 100 local and national AmeriCorps members will serve as well, including members from National Council of La Raza's own AmeriCorps program. Helping to organize the large effort will be ten members of AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps, who will assign participants to service projects, lead the projects, and conclude the day with a reflection activity.

"I am thrilled to participate in this exceptional project, which not only will make immediate improvements in Phoenix neighborhoods but also will serve as on on-ramp for future civic involvement by these outstanding Hispanic youth," said Eisner. "We're proud to join with National Council of La Raza, which has been a strong partner in AmeriCorps since its inception and which does so much to strengthen the lives of Hispanic Americans."

The National Council of La Raza has received more than $5 million in AmeriCorps funding since 1995, not including the education awards that members receive upon completion of their service that can be used to pay for college or pay back student loans. NCLR AmeriCorps members serve as tutors and mentors for pre-school, and school age children. Members also serve as career developers for youth and adults, teach ESL and GED classes, teach computer literacy and software skills, and provide instructional support for family literacy programs. NCLR's sites are small community and faith-based organizations that serve predominantly Latino communities. NCLR was recently approved for a $1.1 million AmeriCorps grant for the coming year to support 100 AmeriCorps members.

AmeriCorps is administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service, which also oversees Senior Corps and Learn and Serve America. The programs of the Corporation engage more than Americans of all ages each year in meeting critical needs in education, the environment, public safety, homeland security, and other areas. Together with the USA Freedom Corps, the Corporation is working to build a culture of service, citizenship, and responsibility in America. For more information, visit

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