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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

CONTACT: Ashley Etienne
Phone: 202-606-6944


AmeriCorps Kicks off Video and Photo Contest


Washington DC – The Corporation for National and Community Service is asking the public to help tell the AmeriCorps story and recruit the next class of AmeriCorps members by participating in the 2010 AmeriCorps Video and Photo contest that is part of AmeriCorps Week.

The contest, which runs through June 4, asks participants to submit 60-second videos or still photos showing how AmeriCorps gets things done in local communities. Would-be film directors and shutterbugs should visit the contest website at for all the details.

“Across the country, AmeriCorps members are tackling tough problems and transforming our communities,” said Corporation CEO Patrick Corvington. “Through this contest, we're inviting the public to use their creativity to tell the AmeriCorps story and bring more Americans into service.”

This year's contest is open to anyone -- AmeriCorps members, alums, students, national service and nonprofit staff, educators, elected officials - anyone who wants to tell the AmeriCorps story. Entries will be judged on overall impact, creativity, memorable content and delivery, clear message, alignment with the mission and goals of AmeriCorps, and the public rating. After a panel of Corporation judges selects the finalists, the public will determine the winners through online voting between June 28 and July 9.

The contest offers bigger prizes and more chances to win, thanks to the generosity of this year's prize sponsors: United HealthCare, Choice Hotels, National Geographic, Starbucks, and the NFL Players Association. Grand prize is a 4-day, 3-night all expenses paid trip for two to Washington DC, made possible by United HealthCare. First prize is $500 in cash, a $1,000 contribution to the charity of your choice, courtesy of Choice Hotels and National Geographic, a NFL Gear pack customized by the NFL Players Association, and a Starbucks gift card. Click on the contest website to learn more and see the second and third prizes.

The contest is held in conjunction with AmeriCorps Week, a national recognition and recruitment event taking place May 8-15 aimed at recruiting more Americans into service, saluting AmeriCorps members and alums for their impact, and thanking the partners that make AmeriCorps possible. Hundreds of events are planned, including service projects, recruitment fairs, presentations, recognition ceremonies and more. Information on this year's AmeriCorps Week is at

Since it launched in 2007, the video contest has generated more than 100 home-made videos, and last year's photo contest brought in 350 photos. Some tugged at the heartstrings, others tickled the funny bone, but all conveyed an important message about service. The Corporation distributed the 2007 wining videos to television stations across the US, where they have aired more than 35,000 times, reaching hundreds of millions of viewers. Past winners are also in the AmeriCorps Presentation Kit and on the Corporation's YouTube channel.

The Corporation for National and Community Service is a federal agency that engages more than five million Americans in service through its Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America programs, and leads President Obama's national call to service initiative, United We Serve. For more information, visit


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