Congressional Oversight Committees

Congressional Committees Relevant to BBG

I.  Authorizing Committees

The Committee on Foreign Relations in the Senate and the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the House have jurisdiction over non-military U.S. international broadcasting.

Every other year, these Committees consider authorization bills that provide budget ceilings for our broadcasting efforts, provide for changes in administrative authorities, and provide policy direction.  These Committees also exercise oversight over BBG policies and programs.  The Senate Foreign Relations Committee considers nominations for BBG Presidential appointments.

Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

  • Chairman John Kerry, MA
  • Ranking Member Richard G. Lugar, IN
  • Christopher J. Dodd, CT
  • Bob Corker, TN
  • Russ Feingold, WI
  • Johnny Isakson, GA
  • Barbara Boxer, CA
  • Jim Risch, ID
  • Robert Menendez, NJ
  • Jim DeMint, SC
  • Benjamin L. Cardin, MD
  • John Barrasso, WY
  • Bob Casey, PA
  • Roger Wicker, MS
  • Jim Webb, VA
  • James M. Inhofe, OK
  • Jeanne Shaheen, NH
  • Ted Kaufman, DE
  • Kirsten Gillibrand, NY

House Committee on Foreign Affairs

  • Chairman Howard L. Berman, CA
  • Ranking Member Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, FL
  • Gary L. Ackerman, NY
  • Christopher H. Smith, NJ
  • Eni F.H. Faleomavaega, AS
  • Dan Burton, IN
  • Donald M. Payne, NJ
  • Elton Gallegly, CA
  • Brad Sherman, CA
  • Dana Rohrabacher, CA
  • Eliot L. Engel, NY
  • Donald Manzullo, IL
  • Bill Delahunt, MA
  • Ed Royce, CA
  • Gregory W. Meeks, NY
  •  Ron Paul, TX
  • Diane Watson, CA
  • Jeff Flake, AZ
  • Russ Carnahan, MO
  • Mike Pence, IN
  • Albio Sires, NJ
  • Joe Wilson, SC
  • Gerald E. Connolly, VA
  • John Boozman, AR
  • Michael E. McMahon, NY
  • J. Gresham Barrett, SC
  • Theodore E. Deutch, FL
  • Connie Mack, FL
  • John S. Tanner, TN
  • Jeff Fortenberry, NE
  • Gene Green, TX
  •  Michael McCaul, TX
  • Lynn C. Woolsey, CA
  • Ted Poe, TX
  • Sheila Jackson-Lee, TX
  •  Bob Inglis, SC
  • Barbara Lee, CA
  • Gus Bilirakis, FL
  • Shelley Berkley, NV
  • Joseph Crowley, NY
  • Mike Ross, AR
  • Brad Miller, NC
  • David Scott, GA
  • Jim Costa, CA
  • Keith Ellison, MN
  • Gabrielle Giffords, AZ
  • Ron Klein, FL

II.  Appropriations Committees

The Committees on Appropriations of the House and Senate appropriate funds for U.S. international broadcasting on an annual basis and provide program and policy guidance or direction for the use of appropriated funds.  These committees also have oversight authority over BBG programs.

Senate Committee on Appropriations

  • Chairman Daniel K. Inouye, HI
  • Ranking Member Thad Cochran, MS
  • Patrick J. Leahy, VT
  • Christopher S. Bond, MO
  • Tom Harkin, IA
  • Mitch McConnell, KY
  • Barbara A. Mikulski, MD
  • Richard C. Shelby, AL
  • Herb Kohl, WI
  • Judd Gregg, NH
  • Patty Murray, WA
  • Robert F. Bennett, UT
  • Byron L. Dorgan, ND
  • Kay Bailey Hutchison, TX
  • Dianne Feinstein, CA
  • Sam Brownback, KS
  • Richard J. Durbin, IL
  • Lamar Alexander, TN
  • Tim Johnson, SD
  • Susan Collins, ME
  • Mary L. Landrieu, LA
  • George Voinovich, OH
  • Jack Reed, RI
  • Lisa Murkowski, AK
  • Frank R. Lautenberg, NJ
  • Ben Nelson, NE
  • Mark Pryor, AR
  • John Tester, MT
  • Arlen Specter, PA

Senate Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs

  • Chairman Patrick J. Leahy, VT
  • Ranking Member Judd Gregg, NH
  • Daniel K. Inouye, HI
  • Mitch McConnell, KY
  • Tom Harkin, IA
  • Robert F. “Bob” Bennett, UT
  • Barbara A. Mikulski, MD
  • Christopher S. “Kit” Bond, MO
  • Richard J. Durbin, IL
  • Sam Brownback, KS
  • Tim Johnson, SD
  • George V. Voinovich, OH
  • Mary L. Landrieu, LA
  • William Thad Cochran, MS
  • Frank R. Lautenberg, NJ
  • Ex Officio, Non-Voting
  • Arlen Specter, PA

House Committee on Appropriations

  • Chairman David R. Obey, WI
  • Ranking Member Jerry Lewis, CA
  • Norm Dicks, WA
  • C.W. Bill Young, FL
  • Alan B. Mollohan, WV
  • Harold Rogers, KY
  • Marcy Kaptur, OH
  • Frank R. Wolf, VA
  • Peter J. Visclosky, IN
  • Jack Kingston, GA
  • Nita M. Lowey, NY
  • Rodney Frelinghuysen, NJ
  • Jose E. Serrano, NY
  • Todd Tiahrt, KS
  • Rosa DeLauro, CT
  • Zach Wamp, TN
  • James P. Moran, VA
  • Tom Latham, IA
  • John W. Olver, MA
  • Robert B. Aderholt, AL
  • Ed Pastor, AZ
  • Jo Ann Emerson, MO
  • David E. Price, NC
  • Kay Granger, TX
  • Chet Edwards, TX
  • Mike Simpson, ID
  • Patrick J. Kennedy, RI
  • John Culberson, TX
  • Maurice D. Hinchey, NY
  • Mark Steven Kirk, IL
  • Lucille Roybal-Allard, CA
  • Ander Crenshaw, FL
  • Sam Farr, CA
  • Denny Rehberg, MT
  • Jesse L. Jackson Jr., IL
  • John Carter, TX
  • Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, MI
  • Rodney Alexander, LA
  • Allen Boyd, FL
  • Ken Calvert, CA
  • Chaka Fattah, PA
  • Jo Bonner, AL
  • Steven R. Rothman, NJ
  • Steven C. LaTourette, OH
  • Sanford D. Bishop Jr., GA
  • Tom Cole, OK
  • Marion Berry, AR
  • Barbara Lee, CA
  • Adam B. Schiff, CA
  • Michael M. Honda, CA
  • Betty McCollum, MN
  • Steve Israel, NY
  • Timothy J. Ryan, OH
  • C.A. “Dutch” Ruppersberger, MD
  • Ben Chandler, KY
  • Debbie Wasserman Schultz, FL
  • Ciro Rodriguez, TX
  • Lincoln Davis, TN
  • John T. Salazar, CO
  • Patrick Murphy, PA

House Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs

  • Chairwoman Nita M. Lowey, NY
  • Ranking Member Kay Granger, TX
  • Jesse L. Jackson Jr., IL
  • Mark Steven Kirk, IL
  • Adam B. Schiff, CA
  • Ander Crenshaw, FL
  • Steve Israel, NY
  • Dennis R. Rehberg, MT
  • Ben Chandler, KY
  • Charles Jeremy “Jerry” Lewis, CA
  • Steven R. Rothman, NJ
  • Ex Officio, Voting
  • Barbara Lee, CA
  • Jim P. Moran, VA
  • David R. “Dave” Obey, WI
  • Ex Officio, Voting