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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
Improving the Measurement of Surgical Site Infection Risk Stratification/Outcome Detection

Appendix L. Final data sheet submitted by each site that included the list of potential SSI risk factors and other pertinent variables


Column Heading Value Type Description Typei
Admit_src Character Source of admissionii E
Icu_admit Numeric 1 if admitted from OR to ICU, else 0 E
Inpat_surg Numeric 1 if inpatient surgery, else 0 E
Outpat_surg Numeric 1 if outpatient surgery, else 0 E
Age Numeric (yrs) Patient age, years P
BMI Numeric Body Mass Index before surgery P
CA_hx Numeric Listed ICD9 codeiii w/ decimal, for the disease, else 0 P
ch_kidney_dx Character Listed ICD9 codeiii, w/ decimal, for the disease, else 0 P
ch_lung_dx Character Listed ICD9 codeiii, w/ decimal, for the disease, else 0 P
COPD_hx Numeric Listed ICD9 codeiii, w/ decimal, for the disease, else 0 P
diabetes Character Listed ICD9 codeiii, w/ decimal, for the disease, else 0 P
DVT Numeric 1 if pat. developed DVT related to surgery within 90days P
Hypocholest Character Listed ICD9 codeiii, w/ decimal, for the disease, else 0 P
MRSA Numeric Hx of MRSA P
Patid Numeric Random or sequential de-identified number with prefixiv P
Payer Numeric Payer/insurance type (govt=2, nongovt=1, none=0) P
Postop_hematocrit Numeric First hematocrit value after surgery P
Postop_admit Numeric Hospital admission after surgery within 30 days=1, else 0 P
Preop_hematocrit Numeric Latest hematocrit value just before surgery P
Preop_hemoglob Numeric Latest hemoglobin value just before surgery P
Postop_hemoglob Numeric First hemoglobin value after surgery P
Preop_stay Numeric (days) Days from admission to surgery start day P
Proeop_albumin Numeric Last albumin value before surgery start time P
Rheum-dx Character Listed ICD9 codeiii, w/ decimal, for the disease, else 0 P
Sex Character M or F P
SSI Numeric 1 if pat. had a SSI as a result of this surgery, else 0 P
Abx_dc Numeric 1 if yes…0 if no* S
ASA Numeric ASA score S
Emergent Numeric 1 if emergency surgery, else 0 S
General_anes Numeric 1 if yes…0 if no S
No_procedures Numeric (count) Number of procedures during same operation S
Surg_date/time Date Date and time of surgery S
Surg_dur Numeric Surgery duration, minutes S
Surg_proc Character Surgical procedure (TH, TK, CA, HE, AP) S
Surgeon_ex Numeric (yrs) Number of years surgeon has been practicing S
Wnd_class Numeric 1-4 S

* Abx d/c within 48 hrs for CABG and within 24 hrs for TH, TK, HE, AP

i E = environmental factor, P = patient specific, S = surgery specific.
ii Refer to Admission_Source_Table
iii Refer to SSI Risk Tool Comorbidities ICD9 Codes table

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