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Table 4
Intensity of Physical Transportation Systems of World's Top Economies: 2008

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Ranked by total road miles per capita Population density (number of people per square kilometer) Total roadways Paved roadways
Kilometers per capita (1,000 persons) Roadway kilometers per square kilometer land area Kilometers per capita (1,000 persons) Roadway kilometers miles per square kilometer land area
Australia 0.4 105.8 0.04 44.4 0.02
Sweden 22 46.9 1.04 15.4 0.34
Canada 4 31.1 0.11 12.4 0.05
United States 34 21.0 0.71 13.7 0.46
Norway 15 19.9 0.31 15.5 0.24
Spain 81 16.8 1.37 16.8 1.37
France 116 14.9 1.73 14.9 1.73
Belgium 344 14.6 5.03 11.4 3.93
Austria 100 13.1 1.30 13.1 1.30
Poland 126 11.0 1.39 7.7 0.97
Japan 349 9.4 3.28 7.5 2.60
Switzerland 190 9.4 1.78 9.4 1.78
Brazil 23 8.8 0.21 0.5 0.01
Italy 198 8.4 1.66 8.4 1.66
Netherlands 493 8.1 4.00 6.8 3.33
Germany 236 7.8 1.85 7.8 1.85
Saudi Arabia 13 7.7 0.10 1.7 0.02
Russia 9 6.7 0.06 5.4 0.05
United Kingdom 253 6.5 1.65 6.5 1.65
Turkey 100 5.6 0.55 2.3 0.23
Mexico 57 3.2 0.18 1.6 0.09
India 392 2.8 1.12 1.3 0.51
Korea 501 2.1 1.06 1.7 0.83
Indonesia 133 1.6 0.22 0.9 0.12
China 140 1.4 0.20 1.2 0.16

NOTE: In this report, intensity is defined as a ratio of the extent of the physical transportation system to the geographical area it covers and to population size. It indicates the relative concentration of the infrastructure and the size that is available for use by the population.

SOURCES: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, based on data from Central Intelligence Agency, Fact Book 2009, available at as of Sept. 20, 2009.

  • When road networks are viewed in relation to total land area, countries such as Japan, the United Kingdom, and France have at least twice as many kilometers of roadways per square kilometer of land area as the United States. However, if road networks are viewed in relation to population, those three countries have fewer roadway kilometers per person than the United States-the result of the lower population density and vast geographic expanse of the United States.

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