Automotive Industry: Employment, Earnings, and Hours

The automotive industry includes industries associated with the production, wholesaling, retailing, and maintenance of motor vehicles. This industry is not formally defined in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), but the Bureau of Labor Statistics is referring to a group of detailed industries as the "automotive industry" for purposes of analysis. This list is not exhaustive, but includes industries that can be directly impacted by changes in U.S. production and sales of motor vehicles. Below are definitions of these industries

National Employment

Employment -- Seasonally Adjusted

Data series Back
One year ago:
Sep. 2011
Jul. 2012 Aug. 2012 Sep. 2012 1-month change:
Aug. 2012 -
Sep. 2012
12-month change:
Sep. 2011 -
Sep. 2012

(all employees, in thousands)




Motor vehicles and parts manufacturing

Jump to page with historical data
720.5 787.0 (P) 780.1 (P) 776.7 (P) -3.4 (P) 56.2

Retail Trade


Motor vehicle and parts dealers

Jump to page with historical data
1,696.1 1,713.7 (P) 1,718.4 (P) 1,721.7 (P) 3.3 (P) 25.6

Automobile dealers

Jump to page with historical data
1,061.5 1,082.6 (P) 1,086.5 (P) 1,089.0 (P) 2.5 (P) 27.5

(P) Preliminary

(Source: Current Employment Statistics)


Employment -- Not Seasonally Adjusted

Data series Back
Annual average:
Jul. 2012 Aug. 2012 Sep. 2012 12-month changes:
Aug. 2011 -
Aug. 2012
Sep. 2011 -
Sep. 2012

(all employees, in thousands)




Motor vehicles and parts manufacturing

Jump to page with historical data
716.9 772.3 (P) 778.4 (P) 778.4 (P) 63.7 (P) 53.4

Motor vehicles manufacturing

Jump to page with historical data
159.6 169.8 (P) 177.0   (P) 20.8  

Motor vehicle bodies and trailers

Jump to page with historical data
114.0 127.4 (P) 127.3   (P) 12.1  

Motor vehicle parts manufacturing

Jump to page with historical data
443.3 475.1 (P) 474.1   (P) 30.8  

Wholesale Trade


Motor vehicle and parts wholesalers

Jump to page with historical data
312.2 317.8 (P) 318.6   (P) 5.0  

Retail Trade


Motor vehicle and parts dealers

Jump to page with historical data
1,687.9 1,732.3 (P) 1,736.0 (P) 1,734.5 (P) 23.2 (P) 25.9

Automobile dealers

Jump to page with historical data
1,055.4 1,089.8 (P) 1,093.6 (P) 1,094.5 (P) 26.1 (P) 26.7

Other motor vehicle dealers

Jump to page with historical data
126.3 134.8 (P) 132.6   (P) 0.0  

Auto parts, accessories, and tire stores

Jump to page with historical data
506.3 507.7 (P) 509.8   (P) -2.9  

Other Services


Automotive repair and maintenance

Jump to page with historical data
813.1 813.4 (P) 813.1   (P) -6.9  

(P) Preliminary

(Source: Current Employment Statistics)


National Average Hourly Earnings

Average Hourly Earnings -- Not Seasonally Adjusted

Data series Back
Annual average:
Jun. 2012 Jul. 2012 Aug. 2012 12-month change:
Aug. 2011 -
Aug. 2012

Average hourly earnings
(of production and nonsupervisory workers)




Motor vehicles and parts manufacturing

Jump to page with historical data
$21.97 $21.55 $20.94 (P) $21.15 (P) $-0.43

Motor vehicles manufacturing

Jump to page with historical data
28.91 28.63 27.92 (P) 27.83 (P) -0.90

Motor vehicle bodies and trailers

Jump to page with historical data
16.68 16.26 16.11 (P) 16.45 (P) 0.06

Motor vehicle parts manufacturing

Jump to page with historical data
20.70 20.20 19.68 (P) 19.69 (P) -0.54

Wholesale Trade


Motor vehicle and parts wholesalers

Jump to page with historical data
17.96 17.85 18.15 (P) 18.00 (P) 0.27

Retail Trade


Motor vehicle and parts dealers

Jump to page with historical data
17.47 18.03 17.93 (P) 17.69 (P) 0.32

Automobile dealers

Jump to page with historical data
18.61 19.49 19.23 (P) 18.98 (P) 0.45

Other motor vehicle dealers

Jump to page with historical data
17.47 17.64 17.85 (P) 17.15 (P) -0.39

Auto parts, accessories, and tire stores

Jump to page with historical data
14.95 14.89 15.02 (P) 14.97 (P) 0.20

Other Services


Automotive repair and maintenance

Jump to page with historical data
16.03 15.95 16.02 (P) 16.00 (P) -0.11

(P) Preliminary

(Source: Current Employment Statistics)


National Average Weekly Hours

Average Weekly Hours -- Seasonally Adjusted

Data series Back
One year ago:
Sep. 2011
Jul. 2012 Aug. 2012 Sep. 2012 1-month change:
Aug. 2012 -
Sep. 2012

Average weekly hours
(of production and nonsupervisory workers)




Motor vehicles and parts manufacturing

Jump to page with historical data
43.1 44.8 (P) 44.0 (P) 43.6 (P) -0.4

(P) Preliminary

(Source: Current Employment Statistics)


Average Weekly Hours -- Not Seasonally Adjusted

Data series Back
Annual average:
Jul. 2012 Aug. 2012 Sep. 2012 12-month changes:
Aug. 2011 -
Aug. 2012
Sep. 2011 -
Sep. 2012

Average weekly hours
(of production and nonsupervisory workers)




Motor vehicles and parts manufacturing

Jump to page with historical data
43.4 43.5 (P) 44.1 (P) 44.0 (P) 0.5 (P) 0.0

Motor vehicles manufacturing

Jump to page with historical data
43.9 42.9 (P) 44.8   (P) 0.1  

Motor vehicle bodies and trailers

Jump to page with historical data
42.7 44.2 (P) 43.2   (P) 0.2  

Motor vehicle parts manufacturing

Jump to page with historical data
43.4 43.6 (P) 44.1   (P) 0.8  

Wholesale Trade


Motor vehicle and parts wholesalers

Jump to page with historical data
37.8 38.4 (P) 38.3   (P) 0.3  

Retail Trade


Motor vehicle and parts dealers

Jump to page with historical data
37.0 38.0 (P) 37.7   (P) 0.5  

Automobile dealers

Jump to page with historical data
37.4 38.4 (P) 38.0   (P) 0.5  

Other motor vehicle dealers

Jump to page with historical data
34.4 33.6 (P) 33.8   (P) -1.6  

Auto parts, accessories, and tire stores

Jump to page with historical data
36.8 38.1 (P) 38.0   (P) 1.0  

Other Services


Automotive repair and maintenance

Jump to page with historical data
35.0 35.8 (P) 35.7   (P) 0.5  

(P) Preliminary

(Source: Current Employment Statistics)


Employment in Selected States

Employment -- Not Seasonally Adjusted

Data series Back
Annual average:
Jun. 2012 Jul. 2012 Aug. 2012 12-month change:
Aug. 2011 -
Aug. 2012

(all employees, in thousands)




Motor vehicles and parts manufacturing


Motor vehicles manufacturing



Jump to page with historical data
10.2 10.8 11.2 (P) 11.4 (P) 1.2


Jump to page with historical data
3.3 3.5 3.5 (P) 3.5 (P) 0.0


Jump to page with historical data
14.1 16.9 16.9 (P) 17.0 (P) 2.8


Jump to page with historical data
11.1 11.8 11.1 (P) 10.9 (P) -0.2


Jump to page with historical data
37.4 40.1 37.5 (P) 41.0 (P) 4.0


Jump to page with historical data
5.4 4.3 4.2 (P) 4.5 (P) -0.9


Jump to page with historical data
19.8 20.4 17.8 (P) 19.9 (P) -1.1


Jump to page with historical data
9.0 9.0 9.0 (P) 8.7 (P) -0.5

Motor vehicle bodies and trailers



Jump to page with historical data
26.8 30.2 30.1 (P) 30.3 (P) 3.2

Motor vehicle parts manufacturing



Jump to page with historical data
15.0 16.6 16.8 (P) 17.1 (P) 2.0


Jump to page with historical data


Jump to page with historical data
49.7 52.7 52.6 (P) 52.6 (P) 2.7


Jump to page with historical data
25.1 25.8 25.6 (P) 26.2 (P) 0.9


Jump to page with historical data
92.7 99.5 95.8 (P) 96.8 (P) 4.8


Jump to page with historical data
3.7 3.8 3.8 (P) 3.9 (P) 0.0

New York

Jump to page with historical data
11.9 11.5 11.4 (P) 11.7 (P) -0.1


Jump to page with historical data
56.5 55.9 54.2 (P) 54.8 (P) -1.4


Jump to page with historical data

(P) Preliminary

(Source: State and Metro Area Employment, Hours, & Earnings )


About the Automotive Industry

The automotive industry includes industries associated with the production, wholesaling, retailing, and maintenance of motor vehicles. This industry is not formally defined in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), but the Bureau of Labor Statistics is referring to a group of detailed industries as the "automotive industry" for purposes of analysis. This list is not exhaustive, but includes industries that can be directly impacted by changes in U.S. production and sales of motor vehicles. Below are definitions of these industries. Current and historical data back to 1990 are available for these industries. Data provided are for establishments that are located in the United States; the data do not distinguish between domestic and foreign ownership. Employment data are for all employees; average hourly earnings and average weekly hours are for production and nonsupervisory workers.

Links to Definitions of Detailed Industries within Automotive Industry


  • Motor vehicles and parts manufacturing (NAICS 3361,2,3)

Wholesale trade

  • Motor vehicle and parts wholesalers (NAICS 4231)

Retail trade

Other services


Other BLS Resources

The Editor's Desk

See Automobile industry and Industry studies in the subject matter index of The Editor's Desk (Current Edition).

Monthly Labor Review

See Auto industry in the Index of the Monthly Labor Review Online (Current Issue).


Data extracted on: October 16, 2012