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Manufacturing Innovation Blog

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The Newest American Idol

How would you like to have scores of Americans knocking on your firm’s doors, hoping for a peek inside? They’d ask to see what cool new technologies you are using, what new products you’re creating, if you’re digital, virtual or subatomic, and what your jobs and careers look like. You’d be the American Idol of Manufacturing!... Continue Reading


Remarks at National Academies of Science MEP Conference

The Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) is a catalyst for strengthening American manufacturing – accelerating its ongoing transformation into a more efficient and powerful engine of innovation driving economic growth and job creation.


What Others Say About Their Manufacturing Innovation 2012 Experience

""The conference was an amazing value for a small company like ours. The seminars were directly related to what we’re doing. The Business Matchmaking was extremely well-run and connected me with the exact types of businesses we want to interact with. I had the opportunity to speak with companies I wouldn’t normally feel I had access to, and these contacts will give us the chance to diversify into new industries such as wind energy and rail." Erin Dyer, Quality Control Manager

“As a small manufacturer you tend not be aware of all the breadth of programs available. At the MEP meeting you get access to SBA, export assistance, banks, trade organizations, and so many other kinds of resources that can help you grow your business. There is so much available and you want to go to as many sessions as possible. It is work from start to finish." Mark Rice, President

“The unique thing about this meeting for manufacturers is that it gives them access to great content and at the same time to be able to collaborate and communicate with people who run the MEP centers across the country. The MEP centers are a key component in the U.S. manufacturing infrastructure. These are the people guiding and instructing U.S. companies on how to excel at manufacturing. Between the speakers, attendees and NIST/MEP staff you can meet some of the brightest people in the industry. What’s invaluable is that you can get all this information and these contacts in one place at one time." Douglas K. Woods, President

To read more testimonials, click here