Latest Trade News

Joint Statement on U.S.-East Africa Trade and Investment Talks

The East African Community and the United States have taken important steps to advance the U.S.-EAC Trade and Investment Partnership. This new Partnership is built on the recognition of the important role that trade and investment play in economic and social development including job creation, both in East Africa and the United States.

United States Prevails in Steel Dispute with China

“This is a victory for the United States as well as for American workers and manufacturers,” said Ambassador Kirk.

U.S. Pledges Continued Support for Global Agriculture

food security

The United States will contribute up to $475 million to the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP), promising to give $1 for every $2 committed by other donors.

U.S. Statement on the Trade Policy Review of Bangladesh

The United States observes that Bangladesh has made efforts to use trade and investment policy, formulated in consultation with its private sector advisory bodies, to support its important economic development goals.