Floor Speech on the Violence Against Women Act

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Published on May 16, 2012 by

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  • Thank you Representative Gowdy, for standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves.

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  • This is a joke.

    If you are a man, you're statistically more likely to be assaulted than a woman.

    Teenage violence in relationships are changing with WOMEN being the more aggressive ones.

    Simply look at what the media portrays - women are constantly hitting and beating men, and it is seen as OK and even funny.

    Prostate cancer is just as common as breast cancer, but when was the last time you heard "prostate cancer awareness?"

    "war on women" is just as big of a joke as the war on terror.

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  • Liberals are the ones who make excuses for Sharia Law. Which is ironic since you Democrats claim to be champions of gay rights and women's rights. You Democrats defend "civil rights" groups like Hamas-tied CAIR who defend Sharia Law and who bitch when some state wants to ban Sharia. You Democrats want to replace the Constitution with Muslim law.

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  • The last thing liberals would want is sharia law. u wanna know why? because if there was sharia law they wouldnt be able to drink alcohol, eat pork, bacon, ham etc, they wouldnt be able to watch porn, they wouldnt be able to wear whatever they wanted, if they committed adultery they would get 100 lashes...and so forth. if anything, conservatives would be more willing to have sharialaw since their religious.

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  • I know what Sharia Law is and it's bleeding-heart liberals like you who want it because you defend radical Islam. It's liberals like you who cry ISLAMOPHOBIA when someone opposes radical Islam. If you liberals think Sharia Law is so great, why aren't you living in a Muslim hellhole?

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  • brainwashed fool, do you even know what sharia law is? and if anyone wanted it, it would be extreme conservatives. 

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  • Thank you, Rep. Gowdy, from the bottom of my heart.

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  • Passionate speech. In addition to the reforms Rep. Gowdy specifies, women in these situations need to know how to defend themselves. Nell Lindsey should have had a gun on her at all times and be ready to use it to defend herself. Were a relative of mine abused, the abuser would be able to abuse again. Mrs. Lindsey had a good friend, but what about her family for God's sake?

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