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U.S. Congressman Trey Gowdy | Representing 4th District of South Carolina


Press Releases

Scott Bill Protecting American Jobs Passed by House
September 15, 2011

Scott Bill Protecting American Jobs Passed by House Legislation pushed by SC delegation removes the NLRB’s ability to kill American jobs

Congressman Tim Scott’s Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act (HR 2587) was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives today as the first strike in House Republicans’ efforts to roll back burdensome government regulations. The legislation, which was co-sponsored by Representatives Trey Gowdy and Joe Wilson of South Carolina, passed by a bipartisan margin of 238-186 and would prevent the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) from dictating the location of American jobs.

“Today’s vote is important for our entire nation, as well as for my home district in South Carolina, where the NLRB is currently pursuing an agenda which, if successful, would kill thousands of jobs,” Scott said. “By removing the NLRB’s ability to dictate where private industry creates jobs, we are preventing an unelected, Presidentially-appointed government board from pitting state against state, inserting themselves into the business decisions of private companies, and scaring away investment in our nation.”

Rep. Gowdy reinforced his position. “This bill keeps the NLRB from imposing the ‘economic death penalty’ on businesses.  The NLRB has lost all pretense of objectivity and desperately needs to be reined in.”

Congressman Wilson stated, “This legislation creates a climate that promotes job growth and job creation. Organizations like the NLRB should not be allowed to dictate where private businesses can and cannot choose to create jobs in the United States. This bill protects the right of private businesses across the nation to promote job growth while acting in the best interest of their workers and shareholders.”

Scott added, “A former Chairman of the NLRB recently testified that Canadian firms have already expressed concern about doing business in the United States because of the NLRB’s recent actions taken against Boeing, crystallizing the potential effects if the NLRB is able to proceed. I hope the President takes this legislation seriously and instead of continuing to offer favors to his union campaign supporters, puts the American people first and asks the Senate to pass the Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act as soon as possible.”

Specifically, HR 2587 will amend the National Labor Relations Act to prohibit the NLRB from ordering any employer to relocate, shut down, or transfer employment under any circumstance beginning with the date of the bill’s passage. This will include cases that have not reached final adjudication. The NLRB would still have more than a dozen remedies at their disposal should they find a violation.
