U.S. Army in Europe Warfighter Forum

Jan. 9, 2012

By U.S. Army Europe Public Affairs

  • U.S. Army in Europe Warfighter Forum

    U.S. Army Europe Commanding General Lt. Gen Mark Hertling hosted a Warfighter Forum Jan. 9 Heidelberg, Germany for U.S. Army Europe senior leaders to share best practices and lessons learned, and to develop professionally across the command.

  • U.S. Army in Europe Warfighter Forum

    U.S. Army Europe Commanding General Lt. Gen Mark Hertling hosted a Warfighter Forum Jan. 9 Heidelberg, Germany for U.S. Army Europe senior leaders to share best practices and lessons learned, and to develop professionally across the command.

HEIDELBERG, Germany -- Senior U.S. Army in Europe leaders met Jan. 9 at the seventh monthly Warfighter Forum to share best practices and lessons learned, and to develop professionally across the command.

An initiative of U.S. Army Europe commanding general Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling, this monthly discussion is part of his continuing focus on communications, cross-talk, and “two-level-down” leader development. Foremost on the mind of the participants were Army standards and values. “One of the elements of the profession is that we have to hold members of the profession to the standard,” noted Hertling.

More than 40 leaders gathered in the headquarters building here, including special guest the Honorable Robert A. Mandell, the U.S. Ambassador to Luxembourg. Other leaders joined in via video teleconference from across the European theater, including the incoming V Corps commander, Lt. Gen. James L. Terry.

Also attending via VTC from Fort Bliss, Texas was the incoming USAREUR command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. David S. Davenport, and from Afghanistan, Col. Patrick Matlock, the commander of the 170th Brigade Combat Team.

Topics at today’s forum included discussions led by the 2nd Cavalry Regiment on preparations for full-spectrum operations; the 5th Signal Command on using our professional oath to reaffirm our passion for Army values; the USAREUR comptroller (G8) on leadership and counseling; and European Regional Medical Command on protected health information and notification standards.

Hertling led the meeting by recapping some recent successes in the command, including the 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command redesignation and the work on a radar site in Turkey. Hertling also noted upcoming calendar highlights, including the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team mission readiness exercise; V Corps participation in the Unified Endeavor exercise; Exercise Austere Challenge; the ongoing redeployment of the 170th BCT; and the continuing deployments of the 172nd BCT and the 18th Engineer Brigade.

About us: U.S. Army Europe is uniquely positioned to advance American strategic interests across Eurasia, building teams, assuring allies and deterring enemies. The relationships we build during 350 theater security cooperation events in more than 40 countries each year lead directly to support for U.S. actions such as in Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya.