
The navigation within the iTables is similar to many path-type navigations found throughout the internet. You will start without any criteria selected and begin to narrow the selections to display data.

Image of Tab navigation.Along the top of the iTables application are navigation elements called tabs. These tabs show where you are within the application and at what step can criteria be selected or changed.

At anytime you can navigate between these tabs to make changes to your criteria and you can save these criteria for access at a later date.

  • Keep In Mind | Changing criteria under a tab may reset the selections in subsequent tabs requiring you to make additional selections to complete the data display.

Image of the applications toolbar.Other Navigation Elements | The toolbar icons allow you to make on-the-fly changes to your data results such as changing the time frame, see a chart version of your data, and print or save your data externally.

Other Help Topics | Your Account, Tables, and Charting