Blog Posts tagged with "top 10"

The Quality Of Life Conference comes to an end for 2010

Capt. Kathryn Maitrejean, Lt. Jada E. Johnson and Maj. Jena Silva (left to right), part of the QoL staff, worked hard to put out fires during the conference.

This is it …. the big day, after the delegate outbriefs with the senior leaders the “Top 10” will be revealed in order of priority. The priority was determined by the Executive Steering Committee (ECS) who voted on the order of precedence on the issues presented yesterday.

Ok, for those of you who were paying attention and can count are probably thinking … if there were only 4 focus groups, how can there be a “Top 10." One can say a lot about the Texas educational system, but it did teach me that 4 times 2 does not equal 10. So the additional 2 issues came from The European Strategy Conference, which focuses on remote Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC) areas, held last week in Ramstein, Germany.

Before I reveal the “Top 10” I want to say that everyone did a wonderful job at this conference. The facilitators and the delegates worked hard to produce their top 2 issues, the Subject Matter Experts provided valued information to the focus groups and the senior leaders provided their knowledge and years of experience to the delegates by listening and providing feedback on the issues.

I would also like to acknowledge the individuals who without their dedication and focus, this year’s QoL conference would not have been a success. Individuals from QoL, Information Technology, Graphics, Plans and Policy, Protocol, and Action Officers from each component made this happen.

I was there when the chaos was happening; last minute changes; computers going down; miscommunication; reprints of various items, and unhappy individuals complaining about something or another. I know they wanted to pull their hair out numerous times, but you know what ... they kept their composure, stayed professional, kept it moving and made it happen. Kudos to them !!!!!!!

Now for the “Top 10”
1. Establish a joint medical Permanent Change of Station (PCS) review process for exception family members.
2. Establish a joint campaign of change to educate the community and influence healthy eating options.
3. Establish a joint policy that closes that benefit gap between Continental United States (CONUS) and overseas (OCONUS) surviving spouces.
4. Increase awareness of DoDDS transfer policies regarding credits and diplomas.
5. Establish a joint EUCOM teen panel.
6. Fund a second privately owned vehicle shipment for those who execute a PCS overseas.
7. Expand the vision services element of the TRICARE contract overseas.
8. Provide personal interactive spouse language training for ODC.
9. Develop a joint Causality Assistance Program.
10. Procure annual gym memberships for family members and Department of Defense civilians assigned to ODC postings.

You know I almost forgot to mention ... last night was the QoL banquet which was very entertaining. The Air Force Band, Direct Hit, performed hits from the 60’s to today. I didn’t get the 60’s songs, but I knew the 70’s songs ... hey it was disco and no matter your age, who doesn’t know K.C. and the Sunshine band hit Get Down Tonight and I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor.

Then the IPods came out. All I have to say about that is ... who says senior leaders don’t know how to “Get Low."

Well that’s it for this year’s QoL conference … see you next year.

Army Capt. Elizabeth M. Griffith
U.S. European Command Public Affairs

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Comments: 1

by Lorie Warchol on March 12, 2010 :

What a great trip. Glad to be a part of it.

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Quality of Life Conference winds down

The four focus groups, Health of the Force, Community Service I and II, and the Youth/Teen Dependent Education, have worked hard for the last four days. It has been an interesting experience for me. I have had an opportunity to sit in on a couple of the focus groups and on every occasion everyone was highly engaged in the discussions and very passionate about every issue.

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