Contact: Mike Reynard 202-225-1112

Blackburn to Unveil Legislation Consolidating DOE & EPA

Washington, Mar 23 - Congressman Marsha Blackburn (TN-7) will introduce legislation next week to consolidate the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) into a new, single agency called the Department of Energy and the Environment (DOEE). The Blackburn bill will serve as an expanded House companion to S. 892, introduced last year by Senator Richard Burr (R-NC).

According to the Government Accountability Office, significant savings can be achieved through the consolidation of duplicative or fractured programs in the federal government. The goal of this legislation is to achieve cost savings by combining duplicative functions, and to improve the administration of America's energy and environmental policies by ensuring a coordinated approach.
“If we are going to put America back on the right path to prosperity, we need to cut the fat in Washington and get rid of excessive regulations that are stifling the ability of our nation’s small businesses to grow and create jobs,” Blackburn said.  “It’s time to rein in Washington bureaucrats and put an end to the practice of picking winners and losers at the expense of the American taxpayers.” 
By consolidating offices and reducing or eliminating unnecessary programs identified by the GAO, as well as the President’s fiscal year 2012 and 2013 budget requests, Congressman Blackburn’s bill could reduce wasteful spending by more than $3 billion next year alone.

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