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DSAC Program Office

Arnold E. Bell - Program Director

Larry Jaski Jr. - DHS Deputy Program Director

Andrew C. Lim - FBI Deputy Program Director

DSAC - WB701
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington DC 20535


Welcome to the Domestic Security Alliance Council

The Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC), a strategic partnership between the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the private sector, enhances communications and promotes the timely and bidirectional effective exchange of information keeping the nation's critical infrastructure safe, secure and resilient.  DSAC advances elements of the FBI and DHS missions' in preventing, deterring, and investigating criminal and terrorism acts, particularly those effecting interstate commerce, while advancing the ability of the U.S. private sector to protect its employees, assets and proprietary information.



bulletDSAC News bulletNational Threat Advisory

Session VIII.jpg

Session VIII of the Domestic Security Executive Academy was successfully completed on May 24, 2012.  28 Security Executives representing 23 corporations, the FBI and DHS participated.  The session included extensive discussion around workplace violence by Dr. Larry Barton, Cyber threats by FBI Deputy Assistant Director Steven Chabinsky, Executive Protection by USSS Deputy Assistant Director Derek M. Verdeyen, disaster response by Citigroup CSO Joseph T. Petro, and more. 















National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) check current status 

DSAC is not an advisory committee. It will not engage in deliberative processes or otherwise act on the behalf of the FBI. DSAC members may be asked for their individual views, but the primary purpose of DSAC is to facilitate the exchange of information by and among its corporate members and the federal government.


Session VII, of the DSAC Intelligence Analyst Symposium was completed on February 2, 2012.  The session was hosted at the facilities of Bell Helicopter Corporation in Dallas, TX.  38 intelligence analyst from the private sector and the federal government participated in the session.

