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Tuesday, October 16, 2012
RSS Press Releases
Allie Walker (202) 225-3561
Thursday, March 11, 1999
Rep. Dave Camp onThursday voted for a bill that gives states and local school districts more flexibility in designing their education programs. Known as the “ed-flex” bill, the measure gives states the power to waive certain federal education regulations and in exchange for funding, holds them accountable for the results of these locally-designed programs.

“Ed-flex puts more power for education decisions closer to home,” Camp said. “It helps restore pens and paper as learning tools for students, instead of weapons in the arsenal of bureaucratic regulation.”

Currently 12 states, including Michigan, are project demonstration sites. The bill expands the program to all 50 states. The Montcalm County Intermediate School District has received a waiver to use federal funds to train teachers in language arts and social studies.

The House of Representatives passed the bill on a bipartisan vote, 330-90.