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September 2007 APEC Joint Ministers Statement



Issued by the 19th APEC Ministerial Meeting

APEC Joint Ministers' Meeting Concludes

Sydney, Australia, September 6, 2007

The 19th APEC Ministerial Meeting has concluded with the release of the Joint Statement.


The statement covers the following areas:

Promoting prosperity through a commitment to trade and economic reform

-Continuing support for the WTO and the multilateral trading system

-Regional Economic Integration

-Regional Trade Agreements/Free Trade Agreements (RTAs/FTAs)

-Individual Action Plans (IAPs) and Collective Action Plans (CAPs)

-Trade Facilitation

-Intellectual Property Rights and the Digital Economy


-Anti-Corruption and Transparency

-Improving the Business Environment and Structural Reform

-Economic and Technical Cooperation (ECOTECH) and Capacity Building


Enhancing Human Security in the Asia-Pacific:

-Counter Terrorism and Secure Trade

-Food and other Product Safety

-Emergency Preparedness


-Energy Security and Sustainability


Ensuring APEC is Dynamic and Responsive to Developments in the Asia-Pacific

The APEC Leaders Week continues with the APEC Business Summit today and tomorrow. The APEC Business Advisory Council Meeting is currently underway and concludes on Saturday, and the climax of the week will be the APEC

Leaders' Meeting on Saturday, September 8 and Sunday, September 9.