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President’s 2012 Trade Policy Agenda Sets Ambitious Course to Support American Jobs

Agenda outlines comprehensive plans for 2012 to open markets for U.S. exports, enforce U.S. trade rights, and enable American producers to compete on a level playing field

Washington, D.C. – United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk issued a statement today upon the delivery to Congress of President Obama’s 2012 Trade Policy Agenda and 2011 Annual Report.

“Building on last year’s significant trade achievements, the Obama Administration is moving full speed ahead in 2012 with ambitious initiatives to secure job-supporting trade opportunities and a level playing field for U.S. firms of every size selling products and services around the world,” said Ambassador Kirk. “We are successfully pursuing President Obama’s National Export Initiative to double U.S. exports in support of additional well-paying jobs for U.S. workers on factory floors and farms and at firms across the country. Increasing exports is an important element of President Obama’s blueprint for an America built to last – where everyone gets a fair shot, does their fair share, and plays by the same set of rules, as Americans continue to create 21st century jobs and industries here at home.”

The Agenda released today outlines the Obama Administration’s key trade goals for 2012, including: entry into force and implementation of trade agreements with Korea, Colombia, and Panama; conclusion of negotiations for a high-standard Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) regional trade agreement; enhanced trade enforcement efforts to investigate unfair trading practices in countries like China and hold our trading partners accountable for their commitments to comply with World Trade Organization (WTO) obligations; extension of permanent normal trade relations to Russia so that American producers can compete on a level playing field as Russia joins the WTO rules-based global trading system; and continued American leadership at the WTO and in other forums toward greater international trade liberalization. The Annual Report reviews progress made last year on trade issues in markets around the world.

USTR is the lead agency responsible for the development of the President’s Trade Policy Agenda, which by statute must be delivered to Congress by March 1 of each year.