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Wisconsin, May 2010

May 13-14, 2010
1,268 total miles

Ambassador Ron Kirk was in Wisconsin on May 13-14 to meet with local dairy farmers and business leaders to discuss the importance of agriculture exports and positive international trade relationships.

Ambassador Kirk toured the Foremost Farms USA mozzarella cheese production plant, and held a roundtable discussion on the Trans-Pacific Partnership and toured the family-owned and operated Valley View Dairy Farm in Richland Center, Wisconsin. Ambassador Kirk headed a roundtable discussion with Wisconsin Secretary of Commerce Aaron Olver, Secretary of Agriculture Rod Nilsestuen and leaders from local businesses to discuss the importance of agriculture and trade.

Ambassador Kirk participated in a roundtable discussion with U.S. Representative Gwen Moore (D-WI) to discuss the President’s trade agenda. Following the roundtable, he met with local labor leaders to discuss job growth in Wisconsin, trade and other issues.

Related Blogs:

Weekly Trade Spotlight: Trade in Wisconsin

Ambassador Kirk Visits Wisconsin, Tours Dairy Farms

"Creating Jobs in the Midwest"