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Michigan, February 2010

February 18-19, 2010
766 miles total

On Thursday, February 18, 2010, Ambassador Kirk arrived in Detroit, Michigan to talk with Wolverine State exporters about what USTR can do to help them create jobs by succeeding in the international marketplace. While in Michigan, Ambassador Kirk met with auto industry leaders and toured the GM Tech Center in Warren, Mich., with Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D-Mich.), Rep. Sandy Levin (D-Mich.), and International Representatives of UAW and Regional UAW Representatives of Local 160. Following the tour, Ambassador Kirk and other participants held a roundtable discussion with local small business leaders.

Related Blogs:

Ambassador Kirk to Travel to Michigan to Meet with Local Business Leaders

Ambassador Kirk is in Detroit, Michigan To Talk About Growing Jobs by Increasing Exports

Ambassador Kirk Addresses the Detroit Economic Club

Ambassador Kirk Joins Governor Granholm and Rep. Levin, Tours GM Tech Center