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Ambassador Marantis Encourages Stronger Trade Ties in Malaysia

02/04/2010 - 1:58pm

Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Marantis had a second productive day of meetings today with senior Malaysian officials including Economic Planning Unit Minister Yakcop, Minister of Domestic Trade Ismail, Minister of Finance II Husni, and Chief Secretary of the Malaysian Government Sidek today in Kuala Lumpur.

In all of his meetings, Ambassador Marantis discussed ways to strengthen trade and investment ties between the United States and Malaysia. Ambassador Marantis explained the Obama Administration's plans for expanding trade ties in the Asia-Pacific region and for promoting economic growth and job creation through trade. He continued his briefings for senior Malaysian officials on the launching of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. Malaysian officials emphasized the importance of trade to their economy and their government's efforts to promote high-technology knowledge-intensive industries. With Minister of Domestic Trade Ismail, Ambassador Marantis discussed the progress being made by Malaysia in improving intellectual property rights protection and enforcement.

On Friday, February 5, Ambassador Marantis will be in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Ambassador Marantis in Malaysia
Ambassador Marantis with U.S. Ambassador James Keith and Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob.