Oversight Hearing on Libya Attack

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Published on Oct 10, 2012 by

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  • I share your passion representative Gowdy. Thank you for trying to hold this administration accountable. 

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  • If you vote Obama back in. You are either on some sort of Government assistance and you are afraid Romney might make you go to work, or you are brain dead. This is the second time this president and his comrades have lied to us and someone is dead. First Fast and Furious and now this.. I am sorry we can not afford another 4 years.

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  • Gowdy and Mike Kelly are both awesome. We need representatives that are willing to fight for answers and hold this administration accountable - for the murders of 4 Americans and for the Fast N Furious Scandal that killed our border agent.

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  • Total crock of crap.

    The REAL question is "Why is it that House Republicans cut funding for State Dept security?" The GOP answer: "Embassy security was not a priority."

    Faux outrage noted and effortlessly dismissed, not scoffing at Republican stupidity is not possible.

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  • Thank you, sir.

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  • Thank God we have people like this, people that are not afraid to speak out

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  • I can only hit thumbs up once, shame.

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  • Trey Gowdy I have always had the up most respect for you.Trey is honest and he has integrity.Trey you tell em.Those 4 Americans were killed our Gov't didn't protect them Obama and Hilary Clinton is lying to the American People.It had nothing to do with the video Americans that video had been out for awhile.Those four Americans are heroes.For the family God Bless You.

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  • Expose the Obama snakes for what they are! Liars and Deceivers of Epic Proportion!

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  • Trey Gowdy is awesome & I am very proud he represents SC.

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