
Washington-Based Hires

Washington, Jan 5, 2007 - Congressman Doug Lamborn (R-Colorado Springs) announced today the hiring of several members of his Washington DC-based congressional staff.
Congressman Lamborn has tapped Robert McCreary to serve as his Chief of Staff.  Robert McCreary is a former White House Administration Appointee to the Department of Labor and served as the Deputy Director of Communications and Spokesman for the Pentagon’s Base Realignment Commission, McCreary has served in the United States Air Force.  Melissa Carlson, a Colorado Springs native with 8 years of Capitol Hill experience, has been named Deputy Chief of Staff and Legislative Director.  She most recently served as the Deputy Chief of Staff to Congressman John Sweeney (NY-20). She began her service on Capitol Hill as a staffer for Former Congressman Bob Schaffer (CO-04).   Amy Greenan was hired as Office Manager and Scheduler.  Greenan previously served as Legislative Assistant to Congressman David Hobson (OH-7) and as a Scheduler for Congressman Mike Castle (DE-AL).  Congressman Lamborn has also named Christopher Harvin as Director of Communications. Harvin comes from the private sector and is formally a White House appointee to the Pentagon. He served as Strategic Communications Advisor with the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq. Allison Hines will join Congressman Lamborn’s office as a Staff Assistant. Hines is formally a Special Assistant to Congressman Pence (IN-06). Chris Phelen will serve as Congressman Lamborn’s Military and Homeland Security Legislative Assistant. Phelen formally served as the Military Legislative Assistant to Congressman Curt Weldon (PA-07). Dan Nordberg will serve as a Legislative Correspondent. He is formerly a staffer with the Lamborn for Congress Campaign.
“I am pleased with our Washington-based team,” Congressman Lamborn said.  “Surrounding yourself with good, qualified and loyal staff is important.  Without the hard work of a talented congressional staff, we as members of Congress would not be able to fulfill our responsibilities of helping those in need and representing the people the way they deserve.  This leadership has demonstrated both leadership and achievement in their education as well as their work experience.  I am excited to have each of them on board, and I know that they will make a strong addition to our team in serving the people of Colorado’s Fifth Congressional District.”