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Calendars and Special Observances of interest to Troops and Families and those who support them
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From the men and women serving in harm's way to the families that make up their bedrock of support back home, the contributions of our troops and families make our nation great. For every battle fought on foreign soil, a military spouse fights the battle of the home front and holds together a family separate but united. For every mother or father called to serve, a child waits patiently behind. In times of war or peace, each plays an important role. Not all wear the uniform, but all selflessly answer the call of duty.

To honor the spirit and sacrifice of these individuals, we set aside a few days each year to applaud those who give the very best they have to offer to protect, defend, support, and ensure the furtherance of democracy, freedom, and our way of life. For details about these special days and observances, explore these topics.