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Sexual Assault Prevention & Response
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Service Regulations and Orders


Army Regulation (AR) 27-10, "Military Justice," November 16, 2005 This Regulation updates the role of the Victim Witness Liaison with regard to new responsibilities under the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Policy in AR 600-20.

Army Medical Command (MEDCOM) Regulation 40-36, "Medical Facility Management of Sexual Assault, Payments for Exams and Kits," December 23, 2004 This Regulation establishes the US Army Medical Command (USAMEDCOM) policy for timely, comprehensive medical management of sexual assault victims and provides implementation guidance and instruction regarding payment for sexual assault forensic evidence exams and kits.

AR 350-1, "Army Training and Leader Development," August 3, 2007 This Regulation consolidates policy and guidance for Army training and leader development. Chapters 1 and 2 specifically establish requirements for sexual assault prevention and response training in initial entry training, professional military education, pre-deployment training, and unit refresher training.

AR 600-20, "Army Command Policy," March 18, 2008, Rapid Action Revision (RAR) Issue Date:  February 11, 2009 This Regulation prescribes the policy and responsibility of command. Chapter 8 specifically provides policy guidance on the Army Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program.

Marine Corps

Marine Corps Order (MCO) 1752.5A, "Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program," February 5, 2008 This Order updates Marine Corps policy and guidance to address the specific needs of sexual assault victims and related issues by defining sexual assault and required reporting procedures; establishing procedures to protect the victim's privacy; establishing a mandatory, standardized sexual assault victim assistance program for service members; and implementing a database to track sexual assault trends throughout the Marine Corps.


Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Instruction (OPNAVINST) 1752.1B, "Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program," December 29, 2006 This Instruction issues guidance on the implementation and role of the SAPR Program.

Secretary of the Navy Instruction (SECNAVINST) 1752.4A, "Sexual Assault Prevention and Response," December 1, 2005 This Instruction issues policy and provides guidance for the establishment of a sexual assault prevention/victim assistance program within the Department of the Navy.