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Department of Defense Policy

Military OneSource and Military Family Life Consultant Counseling Policy

DoD Instruction 6490.06, "Counseling Services for DoD Military, Guard and Reserve, Certain Affiliated Personnel, and Their Family Members," April 21, 2009, Incorporating Change 1, July 21, 2011  This Instruction is a single source document addressing counseling support available to the total force. This Instruction highlights DoD policy to: (1) promote a culture that encourages delivery and receipt of counseling; (2) eliminate barriers to, and the negative stigma associated with, seeking counseling support; (3) empower leaders to advocate for those in their charge to receive counseling; (4) provide easy access to a continuum of counseling support to include prevention, early intervention, and treatment to enhance coping and build resilience; and (5) view counseling support as a force multiplier enhancing military and family readiness.

Other Policies Relevant to Mental Health and Counseling

DoD Instruction 1010.6, "Rehabilitation and Referral Services for Alcohol and Drug Abusers," March 13, 1985 This Instruction reissues and cancels references, and updates policy, procedures, and responsibilities in regard to the DoD rehabilitation and referral services.

DoD Directive 1342.17, "Family Policy," December 30, 1988, certified as current November 21, 2003  This Directive establishes policies, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures on family policy for DoD personnel. The extent and exact nature of the system of family programs and services are based on installation specific requirements and needs. The Directive specifically cites "counseling" when listing programs and services included in the family support system (paragraph 4.3).

DoD Instruction  1342.22, "Family Centers," December 30, 1992 This Instruction establishes policy guidance, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for the implementation, oversight, accountability, staffing, and funding of Family Centers within the Department of Defense.

DoD Directive 5210.42, "Nuclear Weapon Personnel Reliability Program," October 16, 2006 This Directive updates policy and responsibilities for the management of the DoD Nuclear Weapon Personnel Reliability Program; ensures the highest possible standards of individual reliability for personnel performing duties associated with nuclear weapons and critical components; requires the selection and retention of only those personnel who are emotionally stable and physically capable and who have demonstrated reliability and professional competence; and authorizes the issuance of DoD 5210.42-R, "Nuclear Weapon Personnel Reliability Program Regulation."

DoD Regulation 5210.42-R, "Nuclear Weapon Personnel Reliability Program (PRP)," June 30, 2006, Incorporating Change 1 November 10, 2009 This Regulation establishes requirements and procedures for the implementation of the PRP in order to select and maintain only the most reliable people to perform duties associated with nuclear weapons.

DoD Directive 6490.1, "Mental Health Evaluations of the Members of the Armed Forces," October 1, 1997, Certified Current as of November 24, 2003 This Directive assigns responsibilities for referral, evaluation, and management of service members directed for mental health evaluations.

DoD Directive 6490.5, "Combat Stress Control Programs," February 23, 1999, Certified Current as of November 24, 2003 This Directive assigns responsibility and outlines policy for combat stress control programs with the goal of effectively preventing or managing combat stress.

DoD Directive 7050.06, "Military Whistle Blower Protection Requirement," July 23, 2007 This Directive updates policy and responsibilities for military whistleblower protection. Under this Directive, no person may make or threaten to make an unfavorable personnel action, or withhold or threaten to withhold a favorable personnel action, in reprisal against a member of the Armed Forced for making or preparing a protected communication. Personnel actions by definition in this Directive include referral for mental health evaluations.

Secretary of Defense Memorandum, "Policy Implementation - Mental Health Question, Standard Form (SF) 86, Questionnaire for National Security Positions," April 18, 2008  This Memorandum and its attachments establish policy with regard to Question 21 of SF86. The Secretary of Defense has successfully advocated a revised Question 21 of the SF86 Questionnaire for National Security Positions, which asks about mental health treatment. The revised question excludes counseling related to marital, family, or grief issues, unless related to violence by the individual completing the questionnaire. It also rules out counseling for adjustments from service in a military combat environment.

The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Memorandum, "Policy Guidance for Deployment-Limiting Psychiatric Conditions and Medications," November 7, 2006 This Memorandum provides detailed criteria regarding deployment eligibility for troops experiencing a psychiatric condition or being prescribed psychotropic medication.