Candidates in the 2011 U.S. Army Europe Expert Field Medical Badge Standardization and Testing familiarize themselves with their terrain pace count before testing their land navigation skills July 31,

Candidates in the 2011 U.S. Army Europe Expert Field Medical Badge Standardization and Testing familiarize themselves with their terrain pace count before testing their land navigation skills July 31, 2011 at the Grafenwoehr Training Area, Germany. U.S. and multinational candidates are in Grafenwoehr for two weeks to earn the right to wear one of the most coveted badges in the military medical community. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Thomas Wheeler, 138th PAD, NYARNG) View at highest resolution (1000 by 467 pixels)

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Candidates in the 2011 U.S. Army Europe Expert Field Medical Badge Standardization and Testing familiarize themselves with their terrain pace count before testing their land navigation skills July 31, 2011 at the Grafenwoehr Training Area, Germany. U.S. and multinational candidates are in Grafenwoehr for two weeks to earn the right to wear one of the most coveted badges in the military medical community. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Thomas Wheeler, 138th PAD, NYARNG)

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