Capt. Steve Strandburg, from the Alabama Air National Guard prepares to fly Lt. Gen. Serhiy Onyschenko in an Air National Guard F-16D for an orientation flight at Mirgorod Air Base, Ukraine during SAF

Capt. Steve Strandburg, from the Alabama Air National Guard prepares to fly Lt. Gen. Serhiy Onyschenko in an Air National Guard F-16D for an orientation flight at Mirgorod Air Base, Ukraine during SAFE SKIES 2011 on July 22, 2011. (U.S. Air Force photo by Maj. Matthew T. Mutti , 104FW/CCE) View at highest resolution (1000 by 464 pixels)

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Capt. Steve Strandburg, from the Alabama Air National Guard prepares to fly Lt. Gen. Serhiy Onyschenko in an Air National Guard F-16D for an orientation flight at Mirgorod Air Base, Ukraine during SAFE SKIES 2011 on July 22, 2011. (U.S. Air Force photo by Maj. Matthew T. Mutti , 104FW/CCE)

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