News / Science & Technology

Panetta Says US Boosting Cyber Defense

US Defense Secretary Lean Panetta after a meeting of NATO Defense Ministers at NATO headquarters in Brussels, October 10, 2012.
US Defense Secretary Lean Panetta after a meeting of NATO Defense Ministers at NATO headquarters in Brussels, October 10, 2012.
Luis Ramirez

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by: American Mom from: USA
October 12, 2012 5:41 PM
with all due respect to the US Obama administration... I would be much happier and feel much safer to learn that our "intelligence" is being checked against Israeli Intelligence... call me old fashioned... but after almost a month after the Benghazi disaster, we know nothing... and just few minutes after the Hizbullah drone was shoot down in Israel - Iranian engineers of drone components have started committing "suicide" in Iran... I think i stick with Israeli Intelligence...

by: PK from: Anaheim Hills, Ca
October 12, 2012 12:15 PM
The worlds largest internet router manufacturer(Cisco) is already embracing China, and we are alowing them to provide pieces of our telecommunications infrastructure,...why? The corporate greed is inexplicable, and at the expense of america's future.