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Billy Long - Washington, DC

Billy Long
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  1. Russia has now been a member of the WTO for 62 days. The United States must take action to grant permanent normal trade relations with Russia so that our nation’s farmers and manufacturers will be able to access Russian markets on a level ...
    playing field with other nations. Expanding our nation’s exports is one good way to create American jobs and encourage economic recovery. Granting permanent normal trade relations with Russia will provide new opportunities for American businesses to sell into a foreign market that we can only access on a limited basis right now.
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  2. Our nation needs a strong and robust manufacturing sector which will help create jobs and grow our nation’s economy. I will continue to support efforts that will allow our nation’s manufacturing sector to grow and prosper.
  3. Tourism is vital to Missouri's economy, and the 7th District is blessed with several attractions and related industries, including the world renowned family friendly destination of Branson. Tourism is an important job creator in our state. I am looking forward to visiting with these businesses that play an important role in Missouri’s tourism industry.

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