Press Release

Contact: 202-510-8641

Media Advisory: Bishop to Hold Annual Education Conference Tomorrow at Utah State Capitol

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Oct 8 -

WASHINGTON– On Tuesday, October 9, 2012, more than 200 high school students from around Utah’s First Congressional District will participate in the 8th annual Education Conference held each year at the Utah State Capitol by Congressman Rob Bishop (R-UT).

The conference provides students with an opportunity to expand on their current civics and government studies by participating in discussions and group debates about the history of government as well as policies currently being addressed at the state and federal levels.

“Having served as a teacher in Utah’s public school system for the better part of three decades, I look forward to the annual education conference because it provides students with an opportunity to actively engage in the critical analysis of the same policy debates occurring at the state and federal levels.  As a former educator and Member of Congress I realized that text books do a good job of establishing a foundation of the issues, but an education conference could provide students with an opportunity to further their understanding of government beyond the typical classroom setting.  At the conference, students will meet with peers from other schools to analyze and debate some of the very issues being addressed by the Utah State Legislature as well as Congress,” said Congressman Bishop.

Students were selected by their teachers for attendance at this event.  Invitations were sent to all high schools and school districts located in the First Congressional District.

WHAT:           Annual Education Conference hosted by Congressman Rob Bishop

WHERE:          Utah State Capitol Complex
                        350 N. State Street
                        Salt Lake City, UT 84114

DATE:            TOMORROW, Tuesday, October 09, 2012

TIME:            8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. MDT

Approximate schedule:

Congressman Bishop will deliver opening remarks shortly after 8:00 a.m. MDT. Following his remarks, students will meet in break-out discussions led by Congressman Bishop, local policy experts, and community leaders from Utah. From 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. students will break for lunch. Lunch will be followed by case-studies examining current state and federal policy issues.

*This event is open to the media

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