News List

  • Bishop Joins With 244 House Members to Repeal Obamacare
    Jul 11, 2012  - WASHINGTON– Today the U.S. House of Representatives voted 244-185 to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which, among many things, mandates that every American prove on their tax returns that they have healthcare coverage. If the policy goes unaddressed, the Internal Revenue Servi... More
  • Rep. Bishop Responds to Supreme Court Decision
    Jun 28, 2012  - WASHINGTON– Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that found the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to be constitutional under Congress’ taxing power, Congressman Rob Bishop (Ut-01) issued the following statement: “I am disappointed by the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision. I’ve voted to f... More
  • Bishop, Utah Take Steps to Restore Limits on Washington
    Mar 23, 2010  - Following the President’s signing of the Democrat takeover of healthcare H.R. 3590, many states including Utah plan to file a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of federally mandated health insurance. In an effort to provide states and the people a greater voice here in Washington, on this is... More
  • Bishop Laments Democrat Hijacking of Individual Liberties
    Mar 21, 2010  - Tonight, Congressman Rob Bishop (UT-01) cast a “no” vote for the Democrat takeover of healthcare, H.R. 3590. Despite significant bipartisan opposition, Speaker Pelosi wrangled 219 Democrat members to vote in favor of the bill- just enough needed to send the bill to the President’s desk for signature... More
  • Bishop Opposes Democrats’ Final Government Takeover of Health Care
    Mar 19, 2010  - As the House prepares to take a major vote on health care legislation this weekend, Congressman Rob Bishop (UT01) highlighted the document below, from Congressman Boehner, which outlines ten facts every American should know about the Democrats' final government takeover of health care. "I am opposed... More
  • Bishop blasts EPA action
    Dec 8, 2009  - The Obama administration took a major step Monday toward imposing the first federal limits on climate-changing pollution from cars, power plants and factories, declaring there is compelling scientific evidence that global warming from man-made greenhouse gases endangers Americans' health. The announ... More
  • Congressman Bishop to Bring Students, Lawmakers & Local Leaders Together for 5th Annual Education Forum
    Oct 16, 2009  - On Monday, October 19, 2009, nearly 180 high school students from Utah’s First Congressional District will participate in the Education Conference hosted annually by Congressman Rob Bishop (UT-01.) Each year, the conference provides students with a unique opportunity to expand upon their current civ... More
  • Bishop Signs Responsible Healthcare Reform Pledge
    Jul 8, 2009  - Bishop Signs Responsible Healthcare Reform Pledge Washington, D.C.— Today, Congressman Rob Bishop (UT-01) joined fellow Republican colleagues in signing the “Responsible Healthcare Reform Pledge,” vowing not to vote to enact any healthcare reform package that he has not personally read in its entir... More
  • Bishop Statement on SCHIP Vote
    Jan 14, 2009  - Utah manages its CHIP program well, but this bill would penalize our state and Utah children. It has at least three major flaws. First, it requires Utah taxpayers to fund coverage for adults in other states. Second, it doesn’t target help to poor kids first, but instead to wealthier kids. Third, th... More