MP's enforce the law and keep the peace.

See Miltary Police in action.

Military Police


Job training for Military Police (MP) consists of ten weeks of Basic Combat Training Basic Combat Training:
Basic Combat Training (BCT) is a 10-week course of intense physical and mental training, during which recruits develop essential Soldier skills, discipline and values.
, where you'll learn basic Soldiering skills, and 8-12 weeks of Advanced Individual Training Advanced Individual Training:
(AIT) Following Basic Training, Soldiers attend AIT to learn a military job skill. Depending on the specialty, training ranges from 1 month to 1 year.
and on-the-job instruction, including practice in police methods. Criminal Investigations Special Agents undergo a physically- and mentally-challenging 15-week resident course.

Civilian Related

The skills you'll learn as part of the Military Police field will help prepare you for a future in law enforcement with federal, state, county or city agencies. Your training could also help you pursue a career as a detective, private investigator, undercover agent, correction officer or security officer with industrial firms, airports or other businesses and institutions.

  • 31B Military Police

    Even within the National Guard, crimes and accidents happen. Fortunately, the Guard has their own law enforcement, security and emergency specialists to handle crimes committed on Army or Guard property or any illegal activity that involves Guard personnel. On base, Military Police patrol, control traffic, secure the perimeter, and assist with emergencies and investigations. On the battlefield, they conduct area security, guard senior officers, and work with intelligence personnel in dealing with prisoners of war. MP’s are also in charge of training military working dogs.


  • 31D CID Special Agent

    The Guard has their own law enforcement and security specialists to handle crimes committed on Army or Guard property or any illegal activity that involves Guard personnel. Criminal Investigations Division Special Agents are primarily responsible for conducting investigations of criminal incidents and offenses that affect Army or Defense personnel, property or activities, including serious crimes or activities related to espionage, treason and terrorism. (Not an entry-level MOS)