Kansas Connection | Congressman Mike Pompeo
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Videos Father's Day Greetings from KS-04 Eisenhower Women's Series Photos

FATHER KNOWS BEST:  Happy Father's Day! The Kansas Connection camera crew captured many Kansans talking about their fathers. Click here to watch.
EISENHOWER WOMEN:  On Saturday, June 9, 22 women from Kansas celebrated their graduation from the Kansas Eisenhower Women's Series.  Click here to see photos.

Stories Airbus Celebrates 10 Years in Wichita New Energy Exploration in Harper County Kansans Caught on Camera!
Stories Airbus - 10 Years
Celebrating in Wichita
  New Energy in KS
Harper County
  Kansans Caught
on Camera


Sonora Dodd of Spokane, Washington wanted to honor her own father, William Smart, who was well-deserving of a special day as a widowed farmer left alone to raise his six children single-handedly. 

On June 19, 1910 the first Father’s Day celebration was proclaimed in Spokane because it was the month of Dodd’s father’s birth.

Decades later, the first presidential proclamation honoring fathers was issued in 1966 when President Lyndon Johnson designated the third Sunday in June as Father’s Day.

Father’s Day in America has been officially celebrated annually since 1972 when President Richard Nixon signed the public law that made it permanent. 

The wheat harvest started early and is almost complete.  Kansas farmers are very happy with the high yields and strong test weights from this year's crop.
  • Sumner County is known as the Wheat Capital of the World.
  • Kansas produced a record 492.2 million bushels of wheat in 1997, enough to make 35.9 billion loaves of bread.

  • 2011 Wheat Crop Annual Report:  8.8 million acres were planted; 7.9 million acres were harvested; 256.5 million bushels were produced.

As your Congressman, it is my goal to keep you updated and informed.  I hope you find Kansas Connection informative and you will share with your family and friends.  


If you wish to contact me, please do so at http://pompeo.house.gov. Please DO NOT reply to this message.
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