Illegal Immigration

West Virginians believe in fair-mindedness, promoting rule-of-law, and know full well the sacrifices and privileges of being an American citizen - that's why Congresswoman Capito believes that when it comes to illegal immigration, illegal means illegal. As a member of the House Immigration Reform Caucus, Capito has worked to secure our borders, prevent amnesty, and enact sound immigration reform.

Cracking down on illegal immigration begins with protecting our borders which leads to a secure nation. Capito fully supports efforts to build a security fence along the U.S.-Mexico border, including efforts to build a virtual fence that uses cameras, sensors, and motion detectors. Capito wants to make sure border officials have the resources and the manpower necessary to successfully patrol the border and fund the efforts of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE.)

Since 2007, Capito pushed to see justice for the wrongfully sentenced U.S. Border Patrol Agents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean. She joined 75 of her House colleagues to request that the President commute their sentences. In one his last acts of office, President Bush did just that.

In the 110th Congress, Capito led in the efforts to increase federal funding for securing our borders and introduced the Border Fence Trust Fund Act, which would give Americans the option of checking a box on their 1040 tax forms to contribute $5.00 individually or $10.00 on joint returns so that they may direct their tax dollars to help build the security fence along the southwest border. Capito also passed two amendments to increase funding for security initiatives on the southwest border and require federal agencies to screen new hires for employment eligibility. Since her first term in 2001, she has supported the employee verification program that helps America's small businesses check the citizenship eligibility of employees and believes that employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants should be penalized.

When it comes to those workers are who are here illegally, Capito fervently opposes amnesty and will continue to remain focused on addressing the problem of illegal immigration while leading initiatives to find practical solutions to our immigration crisis.