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Archived Presentation

Orientation to the New and Improved

Attend this one-hour webinar to learn how to maximize the resources available on the new and improved website. By responding to user feedback, the National SUID/SIDS Resource Center has been able to update the design of its site to heighten access to research and educational tools that will help any professional on the local, state or national level address issues in sudden infant death.
Presented by:
Rochelle Mayer, Ed.D.: Research Professor and Principal Investigator, National SUID/SIDS Resource Center at Georgetown University
Olivia Pickett, M.L.S., M.A.: Library Director, National SUID/SIDS Resource Center at Georgetown University
John Richards, M.A.: Research Instructor, National SUID/SIDS Resource Center at Georgetown University
Erin Reiney, MPH, CHES: Assistant Director, Injury & Violence Prevention Programs
Date Presented:
Thursday, August 23, 2012
4:00-5:00pm Eastern
MCHB Learning Topic: