• Blackburn Statement on Attacks in Libya
    Sep 12, 2012 - Congressman Marsha Blackburn (TN-7) issued the following statement today condemning the attacks on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya that resulted in the senseless murder of four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens. “My thoughts and prayers are with the families of th... More
  • MEDIA ALERT: Blackburn To Attend Supreme Court Hearings On Obamacare
    Mar 25, 2012 - On Monday, March 26, 2012, Congressman Marsha Blackburn (TN-7) will attend the morning session of the United States Supreme Court hearings on President Barack Obama’s Health Care Law. “I am honored to be asked to attend these proceedings,” said Blackburn. “We are extremely concerned about the effect... More
  • BLACKBURN: Learning to defend technological freedom
    Jan 18, 2011 - Just before Christmas, after Congress had extended tax rates and the halls of the congressional office buildings had emptied, after Air Force One was wheels-up for Hawaii, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) did a remarkable thing. Four days before Christmas, it regulated the Internet. Perha... More
  • FCC Internet Grab a Christmas Nightmare
    Dec 21, 2010 - FCC Internet Grab a Christmas Nightmare By Rep. Marsha Blackburn (as published at RealClearPolitics 12/21/10) There's no such thing as hospice for federal bureaucracies. No quiet corner where bureaus who have outlived their usefulness can go to bravely face the end. The undead need no such niceties... More
  • Blackburn, Issa and Roskam: Job Creators vs. ObamaCare
    Oct 15, 2010 - Blackburn, Issa and Roskam: Job Creators vs. ObamaCare By Reps. Marsha Blackburn, Darrell Issa and Peter Roskam: Last January, President Obama declared, “Jobs must be our number one focus in 2010.” Since that time, more than 2.5 million Americans have lost their jobs and unemployment stands at 9.6%.... More
  • Rep Blackburn On Tennessee Floods
    Jul 22, 2010 - Testimony By The Honorable Marsha Blackburn (TN-07) As Prepared For Delivery Senate Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development Hearing: “Testimony concerning lessons from the 2010 Tennessee Flood” I want to thank Senator Alexander for calling this important hearing. As ... More
  • Blackburn Objects To FCC Powergrab
    May 7, 2010 - Congressman Marsha Blackburn (TN-7) today slammed FCC Chairman Genachowski’s latest attempt to impose "net neutrality" without the consent of Congress. After the Federal Appeals Court ruled that the FCC lacked the authority to impose "net neutrality" unilaterally, Chairman Genachowski this week auda... More
  • EPA Stands In The Way Of Recovery
    Apr 22, 2010 - Reprinted From The Hill Not far from my district the Spring Hill plant sits idle. GM pulled out of Spring Hill, once the proud home to the Saturn line, in the wake of its bankruptcy last year. Reopening the plant, either for the production of cars or anything else, will be critical to jobs growth in... More
  • Net Neutrality: Don't stifle growth with regulation
    Apr 14, 2010 - Tennessean Guest Editorial: Don't stifle growth with regulation This month witnessed two events that could prove pivotal to our digital future. The first and most obvious was the release of the iPad. The second was the federal appeals court's correct ruling that the Federal Communications Commission... More
  • First step: Allow shopping across state border
    Feb 28, 2010 - First step: Allow Shopping Across State Border By Congressman Marsha Blackburn The Tennessean Thursday's Summit at Blair House was an opportunity for congressional leaders and the president to engage in a bipartisan discussion on health care. This was the first transparent discussion on the issue, ... More